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Unlock Your Spine


- a backbending workshop

13.00 - 15.30

With Daniela Padelletti
400 DKK


​​Are you ready to deepen your practice and experience the heart-opening power of backbends? Whether you’re new to backbends or looking to refine your practice, this workshop is for all levels. 

Learn how to open the body safely, improve the flexibility of the spine, unlock the stagnant energy in the Heart Chakra and experience the transformative power of heart opening backbends.


In this immersive 2-hour workshop, you'll dive deep into the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of backbends. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, you will:-


- Release Tension & Stress: Free up space in your chest, shoulders, and upper back, allowing for greater openness and ease in your body.


- Boost Confidence & Energy: Backbends are energising postures that help you tap into courage, self-expression, and emotional release.


- Balance Your Heart Chakra: Unlock blocked energy and cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and joy as you work through the heart centre.



What You’ll Learn:


- Safe alignment techniques to protect your spine
- Core engagement and proper pelvic positioning
- Progressions from beginner to advanced backbends
- Partner and prop-assisted backbending
- How to balance effort with ease in deep backbends




Workshop Highlights:


- Pranayamas (Breath work)
- Full-body warm-up and core activation
- Break-down of backbends: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Cobra) - Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) - Ustrasana (Camel Pose) - Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose)
- Drills for deeper backbends and modifications for all levels
- Q&A 

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